COUPON PRICE: $88 🇺🇸 or €77 🇪🇺
uSDX 80m/40m/20/17m/15m/10m 6 Bands USDR HF QRP SDR Transceiver
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Size: 38*88*155mm(Aluminum case)
Standby current: 13.8vdc 80–90ma
Full HF reception, commonly used 6-band transmission design:80m/40m/20/17m/15m/10m
13.8v power supply:
Frequency below 10M 3-10W is normal
The frequency decreases from about 3-5W between 10M and 30M. The higher the frequency, the more the decrease is, and the highest frequency may be lower than 2W.
Battery powered:
Overall power reduced by one-third
AM and FM functions are gifts, not guaranteed to be perfect
Over view:
This is a shortwave QRP SSB/CW transceiver.
The ultra-small size makes it easy to carry for outdoor use.
It adopts 0.91inch OLED screen.
List of features:
– Simple, fun and versatile QRP SSB HF transceiver with embedded DSP and SDR functions;
– EER Class-E driven SSB transmit-stage
– Approximately 5W PEP SSB output from 13.8V supply
– All-Mode support: USB, LSB, CW, AM, FM
– DSP filters: 3000, 2500, 1700, 500, 200, 100, 50 Hz passband
– DSP features: Automatic Gain Control (AGC), Noise-reduction (NR), Voice-triggered Xmit (VO1X), RX Attentuators (ATT), TX noise gate, TX drive control, Volume control, dBm/S-meter.
– SSB opposite side-band/carrier supression Transmit: better than -45dBc, IMD3 (two-tone) -33dBc, Receive: better than -50dBc
– Multiband support, continuously tunable through bands 160m-10m (and from 20kHz..99MHz with loss in performance)
– Open source firmware, built with Arduiino IDE; allows experimentation, new features can be added, contributions can be shared via Github, software-complexity: 2000 lines of code
– Software-based VO1X that can be used as fast Full Break-In (QSK and semi-QSK operation) or assist in RX/TX switching for operating digital modes (no CAT or PTT interface required), external PTT output/PA control with TX-delay
– Simple to install modification with 8 component changes and 8 wires
– Lightweight and low-cost transceiver design: because of the EER-transmitter class-E stage it is highly power-efficient (no bulky heatsinks required), and has a simple design (no complex balanced linear power amplifier required)
– Fully digital and software-based SSB transmit-stage: samples microphone-input and reconstruct a SSB-signal by controlling the phase of the SI5351 PLL (through tiny frequency changes over 800kbits/s I2C) and the amplitude of the PA (through PWM of the PA key-shaping circuit)
– Fully digital and software-based SDR receiver-stages (optionally): samples I/Q (complex) signal from Quadrature Sampling Detector digital mixer, and performs a 90-degree phase-shift mathematically in software (Hilbert-transform) and cancels out one side-band by adding them
– Three independent switchable analog front-end receiver attenuators (0dB, -13dB, -20dB, -33dB, -53dB, -60dB, -73dB)
– Receiver Noise floor MDS: –135 dBm at 28MHz (in 200Hz BW)
– Receiver Front-end selectivity: steep -45dB/decade roll-off +/-2kHz from tuned-frequency
– Blocking dynamic range: 20kHz offset 123dB, 2kHz offset 78dB
– CW decoder, Straight/Iambic-A/B keyer
– VFO A/B + RIT and Split, and corresponding relay band-filter switching via I2C
– CAT support (TS480 subset), possibility to stream audio, keys, display-text over CAT
– Probably the most cost effective and easy to build standalone – – – –
– SDR/SSB transceiver that you can find. Very much simplifies the original QCX circuit (i.e. 50% less components to install, no complex transformer windings, no alignment procedure) and more versatile in use.
Package Included:
1 x Transceiver
ID:1908929 – SKUI68182